Pan-European brand Design Association.

Jean-Jacques Schaffner, designer himself, is the new president of Pan-European brand Design Association. Admirable Design opened its microphone to him. What is Pda ? What are its aims ? What…. ?

<IMG188|left>The Pda was formed in the early 1990s, when number of Europe’s leading designers identified a deeply-felt need for a new European forum. They wanted to share information, ideas and opinions – however controversial – about packaging, identity, literature, point of purchase, electronic media. They wanted to meet other design professionals, not as competitors, but as colleagues and friends. And it worked.
From simple concept, the Pda grown steadily into the pan-European force for design that is today.

What Pda does ?

Our main meeting point is at our innovative congresses which take place every six months.
However, our work continues throughout the whole year. We provide opportunities for European designers to mmet and interact on a local level, at meetings organised by our national representatives.

We run a Pda school to teach business and commercial skills to Europes’s talented design – professionals.

We encourage the highest standards of ethics and practice in design.

We promote design and its role in business by including clients in our activities.

We offer guidance to European design colleges on professional training and education.

We aim to create links with the EU authorities for the benefit of the design industry. But it’s not all hard work We also meet informally whenever we can, just to talk.

How PDA works ?

We like to keep things simple.
The Pda is run by its members. We have an elected executive committee which develops policy, organises events and drives the association towards its goals.
In addition, we have national representatives who keep in close contact with members in their own countries, grow Pda membership on a local basis, and liaise with their national press and other media. They meet with the executive committee twice a year.
Finally, we have an annual general assembly at one of the congresses where members vote on Pda policies and practices. If there is a need to vote on any immediate issues, we hold a postal vote.
All of this is held together and kept under control by our permanent, multi-lingual secretariat, which is based in Switzerland.

Further information about the Pda ?